Wellness Service Providers have deep knowledge about a variety of specialties and conditions about which Members want to learn. Grow your online presence by contributing to the ohmyweight blog. In return, get traffic, backlinks, and exposure to our rapidly growing community. If you have an idea for a guest post then please contact us with your idea, a title and general outline of the post following our guidelines below.
Guest Post Requirements
- Blog posts should be at least 1000+ words and of high quality
- Backup any facts stated with real world data and examples.
- Link out to at least two relevant sources to support your article.
- Include 2-3 links in the article pointing back to different ohmyweight blog posts.
- Submit an author bio no longer than 300 characters.
- Share your article on your social media platforms after it is published.
- Author image should be in .png or .jpg format. We prefer 300px width and 300px in length. Bios without an image will not be published.
- Ensure that your post does not violate any copyright laws and we will only publish unique content (articles that haven’t been published before).
- All articles will go through editorial review for readability to ensure the best quality content is created for our members. You will still remain the subject matter expert for the content you provide.
- No affiliate nor spammy links will be accepted within the article.
- Product placement links may be removed at our discretion. If this is you primary objective, we are not the platform for you.
- Use your bio for any mentions and links to your own website not in the article itself.
- We reserve the right to edit the article to fit our content format and enhance for SEO performance as well as to remove any unnecessary or self-promotional links we may find.
Topics and Guidelines
Topics can be about health, wellness, fitness, or beauty (see blog categories for full list) which could include different specialties like Acupuncture, Pediatrics, Physical Therapy, Nutrition, or different conditions like back pain, sinus issues, GI concerns, or even general health industry and corporate wellness information. If you have an idea that you think will be a nice fit, prepare an outline and we’ll let you know if it can work.
We particularly love “How-to” posts, tips that people can do at home or at work, and case studies but you are free to submit any idea about a post and we will review it. We encourage you to review the blog to gauge the style, tone, and informativeness of existing posts.